Dance Researchers and Critics Association choice
'The Best Choreography of this year'
Dance Researchers and Critics Association choice
'The Best Choreography of this year'
Dance Researchers and Critics Association choice
'The Best Choreography of this year'
ChangMu Arts Center choice
'The Best Choreography of this year'

Pyeongchang Winter Paralympics Opening & Closing Ceremony
/Assistant choreographer
Korea National Contemporary Dance Company Pick Up Stage
‘Man To Man’, Seoul Arts Center, Korea
The John F. Kennedy Cente, Washington_Millennium Stage, USA
Goedon Center for performing arts, Marylad, USA
Pittsburgh Donce Council, Byham Theater, USA
ArtPower in University of Calofornia San Diego, USA
Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, USA
Selected for PAMS Choice, Performing Arts Marker in Seoul
Co-produce the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company &
National Gugak Center project ‘Contemporary Dance + Traditional
music’, Seoul, Korea
Tour to 3 Chinese cities for celebrating 23 diplomatic relations
between China and Korea and FTA agreement
Attakkalari India Biennale, India
20th Dance Salad Festival, Houston, USA
Festival International Cervantino, Guanajuato, Mexico
Selected for the official showcase, the international tanzmesse
nrw, Germany
Selected for LIG Arts Hall Cooperation Artist
Opening performance, East Asian Cultural Cities
-Gwangju (Korea) –Quanzhou(China) –Yokohama (Japan)
Attakkalari India Biennale, India
Tour to 4 Canadian cities for celebrating 50 years of diplomatic
relations between Canada and Korea
Cena Contemporânea Festival International de Teatro de Brasília,
Festival Internacional de Artes ESCÉNICAS, Uruguay
Guest choreographer of 'Seoul Dane Project' (Community
program) organized by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
Urban Moves International Dance Festival, UK
Guest choreographer of Kangdong Arts Center Festival, Seoul,
Selected for PAMS Choice, Performing Arts Market in Seoul
Korean contemporary festival hosted by UNAM, Mexico City
Co-produce the ‘Hello Project’ (Australia-Korea live public dance
and screen project) with the Australian choreographer Rebecca
14th Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance), Korea
Invited as the choreographer for residency program by Trayectos
Zaragoza, Spain
Lekuz Leku Festival, Bilbao, Spain
Trayectos Zaragoza Festival, Zaragoza, Spain
18th International Contemporary Dance Conference &
Performance Festival, Bytom, Krakow, Poland
Encuentro Latinoamericano de Danza Contemporanea

